Wednesday 6 November 2013

walking... kinda

The puppies progress very quickly over their first week of life from a laboured crawl to an amusingly speedy crawl as if their bellies were greased.  Around day 10 or so, as the eyes are opening, the first puppy lurches uncertainly to its feet and attempts to take a few steps.  Cute as cute can be.

Fiia was the first to open her eyes at 9 days old, and Tito was the last at 11 days.  The rest opened their eyes at 10 days.

But when it comes to walking, Mini left everyone else behind. While they were still just teetering uncertainly before toppling over, she was very solid on her feet at only 10 days old. I think it's the youngest any of my puppies has ever walked. And the last to walk?  Well, I don't think I've seen Tito heave himself off his belly yet. 

Not to be left behind, Fiia shows she can do this walking thing too.

As as if that wasn't enough cuteness for a Wednesday morning, how about this very first game I caught on film.  Sox taking swipes at Tuulen and grabbing him by the leg.

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