Sunday 30 November 2008

like parent, like offspring

Tarkka has been to visit a couple more times and he's looking more like his mum everyday. I know Jo & George were hoping for a boy with tan markings like his dad, but I feel he will end up with the bright tricolour markings that I love with distinctive white and paler tan. Sorry folks!

Here he is getting muddy with our gang yesterday.

And having a cuddle with me very much against his wishes - he'd rather be beating up on Maija as in the following photo.

You can just see the remains of their baby teeth in this one, and it might well be the last photo to capture them. Their adult teeth are quickly filling in the space at the front between the canines and the canines won't be far behind.

I should mention here that the puppies are 4 months old today. It's a real milestone as the girls are weighing in at about 10 kgs now and the boys even more than that. They are getting close to their adult height so that at first glance I can't differentiate between Neka & Maija when they are out running around. Happy 4-month birthday, puppies!

As Tarkka is looking like his mum, can you guess which one is Keskiyo and which Inko?

She certainly has her dad's looks and now we're hoping she's got her mum's brains. That combination might just produce the world's first ever perfect dog.

Yes, well, I would say that, wouldn't I?


Adam and Paula said...

Fingers crossed she keep learning like she's doing at the moment. We were at "Doggie Freestyle" this morning (!) and she's pretty good at heel, close (heel on the other side), bow, spin, twist (spin but the other way) and now touch (left hand target).

This weeks homework is to practice back...we've got a mini-routine to do the week after next :D

I think Inko will be great at it, it's more Paula and my co-ordination that could tested!!!!


Jennifer said...

Gosh, doggie freestyle, huh? Sounds much more intriguing than heelwork to music!